According to a 2021 Eckerson Group survey, while 94% or organizations plan to deploy a data catalog, only about a third of early adopters said that their data catalog has met their expectations. Tool complexity, a lack of user adoption and poor integration with other systems and tools were cited as the top challenges. Secoda has made these three problems with traditional data tools much easier.


Two customer case studies:

7Shifts Case Study Case Study

PartnerStack Case Study Case Study

Resources for Getting Started

We’ve added some resources that show you how you can use the different features of Secoda.

1. Searching within Secoda

Search is super important to Secoda users and we are constantly improving the functionality to provide the best experience. You can search for any resource in plain language, or by the table name and data source if you already know what you're looking for.

Secoda AI Assistant

The Secoda AI is our newest release to improve user experience when searching for resources. Once you’ve enabled it, you can find the AI Assistant on the lefthand panel under Search. You can also Ask AI right from the main Search. This feature will be helpful for business users who might not know where to begin when looking at data.

Check out some examples of prompts to ask the AI below!